Friday, August 20, 2010

At a Glance

So far it’s…

5 days and 4 cities and 20 hours of air time

Fancy (a.k.a. SAFE) hotels and private (a.k.a. SAFE) drivers

Two lunches with the director of Peace Corps Mozambique

Dinner (curry of “cabrito de mato”, or duiker in English, which is similar to gazelle) in the home of the director of the sustainable agriculture project at World Vision, complete with comfy mismatching furniture and a brood of well-read children with Australian accents

Genuinely kind support staff

Brilliant, breezy weather

Waking up at 5am, fully awake

A switch in my site assignment – from Alto-Molocue to Morumbala

The dusty streets of Quelimane, swarmed with bicycle taxis and the utility vehicles of NGOs

Talk of housing and guards, bicycles and farming initiatives, trips to Zimbabwe and Malawi

A cell phone with internet and bluetooth (a.k.a. the thinga-ma-jigger that will let me have internet in my house, however limited)! And the discovery that I will have internet in the regional office in Morumbala

The realization that my pants my start fitting tighter as opposed to the expected opposite

That’s what’s going on here in a nutshell, condensed because I am thoroughly exhausted. There’s no malaria medication in the world powerful enough to keep me awake tonight!

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