The center that we train at is an oasis of beauty in an otherwise dusty, noisy city - which is fortunate since we spend an average of 45 hours a week there, not including organized activities on Saturday! After next weekend´s visit to the mountains, the following weekend is Semana Santa (Easter) and I´m interested to see how the Dominicans celebrate. Will report back!
Had vaccination number 6 or 7 today - ouch! Anyone looking to get vaccinated for typhoid, be informed that the pills last longer, and are significantly less painful.
I´ve started saving breakfast scraps for a lonely scruffy pup who lives on my street. I know I can´t save them all, but he really wrenches the heart-strings. Can´t wait to adopt a pup of my own when I move to el campo!
We also received our motorcycle helmets today. Although we´re not allowed to ride in the city (and are never allowed to drive), they say over 80% of Peace Corps DR sites would be inaccessible without motorcycles. We had a brief training session, and I think that combined with lessons from Dad will guarantee safe riding in the future!
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