Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writhing Cobra and the Honk of Faith

As ever, traveling through and around cities, whether on foot, bicycle, or in car, has provided me with an abundance of writing material.

Yesterday, I saw my first African snake. Thankfully, I was propelled by the latter of the aforementioned modes of transport, and therefore couldn’t get a good look at the creature writhing on its slimy back in the middle of the road, noting only that it had a light green stomach and dark back, features fairly common in the Snakes of Southern Africa book I consulted later that evening with my director’s kids. I’m currently staying with them at their house while he’s away on work duties, although they take care of me more than the other way around. The babysitter’s here, and she’s sleeping on a waterbed!

I wouldn’t have expected, or even wished for the driver to slow down for the snake; however, they tend not to slow down for anything – teetering bicycles, semis stopped in the middle of the road – preferring instead a method I have begun to refer to (in my conversations with myself) as “the honk of faith”. It still makes me clench my teeth, ever-gritty no matter how tightly I purse my lips against the sandy, invasive wind.

Also yesterday, we visited one of the junior farmer groups who are preparing a short drama about vegetables for the visiting donor representatives, USAID and the like, who are here this week to observe the project. We were a bit late arriving because of a delay in lunch, which having not eaten anything since a piece of bread in the morning, I insisted we wait for before trudging off into the bush. A little selfish? I dunno, but a girl’s gotta eat! I should have guessed that upon our arrival, I would be invited to speak, to give The Word of the White Woman, although I had planned on simply observing. I’m getting better every day at being put on the spot, so I quickly came up with some encouraging words and fun ideas to contribute to their skit. I just hope they don’t go white with terror, pun intended, when the Caucasian contingent arrives to snap their photos on Thursday.

And last weekend, I took my first bike taxi! It was much more comfortable and much less terrifying than expected. Way to go Quelimane for being so Green!

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